JUDICIARY Latest Features

Grand Opening of Kasangati Chief Magistrates Court's New Home
HW Sarah Langa Sui speaking at the opening of the Kasangati Chief Magistrate Court

On Tuesday June 14,2022, the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija presided over the grand opening of the Kasangati Chief Magistrate's Court's new home. Flanked by the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, he was received by the Ag Chief Magistrate HW Roselyn Nsenge and HW Jane Mugala (Chief Magistrate Nabweru/Kasangati).

The Principal Judge revealed that the Judiciary is working on policies for the total elimination of all ills that affect the people from accessing justice. In this, the Judiciary administration is ensuring that its clients find better facilities and services when they come to court which portrays the honour expected of the temples of justice both in terms of structures and judicial services delivered. 

"It is not a secret that for so long, there has been a lot of public outcries about the judicial system in this country. Consequently, the current Judiciary administration has embarked on a massive transformation agenda for both the hardware and software of the Judiciary and I'm confident that the future of the Judiciary will only get better," Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija said. 

He assured Kasangati Court Users that the institution will continue to prioritize the citizen's justice needs by bringing more courts closer to the people and urged them to put the new premises to proper and honourable use that fosters justice for all.  

The PJ further called upon justice seekers to take advantage of innovations put in place to easeservice delivery such as the Small Claims Procedure, Plea Bargain, Mediation and Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS). He also informed court users that among other things the Judiciary is working on, is to increase the pecuniary jurisdiction for Magistrate Courts to handle cases with higher monetary values, as well as strengthening the role of the Inspectorate of Courts to foster feedback reception and inspection.

The Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa expressed gratitude towards the efforts rendered by all stakeholders to secure the new court premises. She equally thanked Buganda Land Board for formerly housing the Court. 

"Whenever we inspect Courts and find our staff in miserable places, we tell them to look for better ones. In particular, I thank HW Jane Mugala and HW Roselyn Nsenge for these efforts and the other stakeholders because, without your support, the work would not have been done", she remarked. 

She however cautioned the Judicial Officers and court staff against vices of corruption, delayedjustice, allegations of bias and absenteeism. Urging them to develop a habit ofcustomer care and a positive attitude towards the people they serve so as to attest that the new improved Court's physical appearance reflects betterservice delivery.

"This is a temple of justice and you know what a temple of justice looks like. You all go to mosques and churches and you know how you are handled. It should be the same way you handle our people", the Chief Registrar emphasized.  

On her part, the Chief Magistrate Nabweru/Kasangati, HW Jane Mugala appreciated the landlord for having allowed them to customize the rented premises to suit the needs of the Judiciary and Court.

While the Acting Chief Magistrate, HW Roselyn Nsenge expressed gratitude towards the Judiciary administration for having transformed them from a place that had one courtroom and no toilet. She recalled that one room worked as a cash office, telephone room, mediation room and office for all other staff. Adding that with such challenges justice delivery was crippled since even Judicial Officers were operating in turns due to space constraints. 

The new Court premises are located at Mirembe Stage, Namavundu Road, Gayaza. The building will accommodate two courtrooms, two Magistrates chambers with space for the Clerks ,the registry, mediation room, archives, cash office, holding cells, proper restrooms and a special room for the physically disabled. 

The ceremony was moderated by Judiciary Public Relations Officer, HW Jamson Karemani. Other guests included judicial officers, staff, and the Court users among whom were various political leaders and local Councilors.

Posted 14th, June 2022
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